Friday, October 14, 2011

News Item! What Television Is Telling The Government!

As the fifth unnamed choir leader is arrested this week for treason, churches with their own television stations are up in arms. Pastor John Plenty told an audience the Neilsen company estimated as "few" with the condition "if any" that he's "nearly out of his asthma medication" & "I do not, according to Bible precepts, tell my wife everything I am doing." The Christian blogosphere ate just enough till they were full.

This underlies the troubled relationship Americans have with cluttered faith. A diagnostician with the United Airlines Mock Medical Team told the Neww Yorkk Timess that he "didn't know scalpels blades were that sharp ouchy!" In tears, a mother of four told a father of six that too many people see colored maps of the world these days, but not enough know the secret story of Rand McNally, his wife Sally, & their hero dog Pally.

While certainly not justifying putting the words "Christian" & "cinema" together in any meaningful way, young digital camera auteur Burt Christ refuses to believe recycling isn't a scam. "Recycling, bicycling, streptocycline - aren't they all just made up by the devil or his Uncle Sam?" he said to a wall near his apartment. "Until the people of this country wake up, I will not reattach the snooze button to my alarm."

All in all, Americans love their televisions but treat them like their pets. Television on the other hand has settled out of court with the strippers they met in 2009. Both thrive on scandal, yet one also needs a daily fix of fast food advertisements. Does this explain how some Christian churches manage to foster unrest, terrorism, leprosy, hangnail? The President's Blue Ribbon Panel will undoubtedly forget to ask.